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Beauty 101

How To Line Each Lip Shape

Rachel Gibbons Beauty Expert
How To Line Each Lip Shape

Everyone's lips are unique: Each set of lips has a pattern of grooves and wrinkles that are entirely your own– as well as lip shapes and sizes. Every shape is stunning in its own way, and no one's size is more desired than the others. Your lips are truly what makes you, you. Over the years experts have found common characteristics (six to be exact) of the lips. Some people have a mixture of two or three of the characteristics. You can, for instance, have a set of full, round lips or a thin, heart-shaped pout. We emphasise: Everyone's lips are unique!

Once you have figured out your lip shape, now you can learn common makeup artist tips to accentuate each shape with products. 

7 Different Types Of Lips + Ways To Make Them Look Flawless – SkinKraft

Top heavy lips

This lip shape is exactly what it sounds like: your upper lip being fuller than the bottom lip. You can simply define that shape with liner (we love leaning into your natural shape), or if you're looking to balance it out, you can use foundation or concealer to soften that top lip line. "Just like you would slightly overline a bottom lip to make that bigger, you could do the opposite on the top lip," says Savannah St. Jean, makeup artist and owner of Savannah Rae Beauty. 

Bottom-Heavy Lips

Opposite to the first one, bottom heavy lips are when your bottom lip is fuller than the top. If you want to sculpt this shape, it's a similar process: "Concealer or foundation is going to be your friend in defining some of those areas around the mouth," says celebrity makeup artist A.J. Crimson. If you’d like to reduce the lower lip after accentuating the top, take the concealer and mute out areas you do not want to see and use a lip liner to create the lip you want. A nude lip liner– one closest to the natural lip shade is ideal for this process. 

Round lips

If your top and bottom lip are the same width, you most likely have round lips! These lips often have a natural poutiness to them, with a very soft cupid's bow, so a touch of gloss on the centre of the lip can really accentuate plushness. 

If you’d like to elongate the lips, you can manipulate the look with liner. However, don't go too overboard. Slightly overline the outer corners of the lips to widen the area, but don't draw too far off your natural lip line.

Heart-Shaped Lips 

Heart-shaped lips typically have a pronounced cupid's bow up top, with a sharper bottom lip. Now, the exact definition of heart-shaped might vary from person to person, but the key here is that V-shaped cupid's bow.  To enhance the shape, try popping some highlighter right on the cupid's bow—a tip that works for all lip shapes, actually, but "brings more attention to the heart."  Cookie Highlighter, by Benefit Cosmetics works wonders with the heart shaped lips. Or if you're hoping to blur out any sharp edges, you can smudge out your lip liner and soften those angles. 

Wide Lips 

Wide lips are typically longer than they are full; giving the illusion of an elongated smile. If you're looking to add some poutiness to wide lips, all you need to do is take a lighter shade of lipstick, gloss, or what have you and dab a little in the centre of your lips. It's going to bring more attention there. Anytime you add something reflective to the lip, it's going to add more of that pop and poutiness.

Thin Lips 

You may have thinner lips naturally, or you may find your pout starting to reduce with age (lips lose volume over time). Consider lip liner your best friend! To accentuate thin lips, you can always slightly overline the lips to make them appear fuller. Just make sure not to extend the line too far. The overline must still be connected to the natural lip line. To accentuate the pout and volume further, dab a little highlight at the centre. 

Lips come in all shapes and sizes! With makeup, it's about testing what works for you and makes you happy, anyway, and half of the fun comes from experimenting with different looks. Just remember, It’s not about creating a new lip shape, but accentuating the gorgeous outline you’ve already got! 

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