Pregnancy and childbirth are incredibly marvelous and happy. But behind that, is the pain and stress of women — Morning sickness, swelling, uncomfortable movement, and a lot of stress, even the hair falls out.
During pregnancy, the secretion of the female hormone estrogen increases. Estrogen is the growth of the hair, the female hormone that promotes hair growth have secreted by the placenta during pregnancy and increasing estrogen in the body of pregnant women. Due to this, the growth phase of the hair is longer, which is why hair may look healthier and richer during pregnancy .
On the other hand, after giving birth, estrogen secretion returns to normal levels. You will experience hair falls from 3 to 6 months after birth. Fortunately, this temporary hair loss is a natural phenomenon that can be resolved without any medical treatment.
The 180 Days Golden Rule
Hair loss after childbirth is a natural phenomenon, but because the hair loss is two to three times more than usual, it is often frightening and stressful. But rest assured that the amount of hair that naturally falls out after 180 days of delivery will be reduced. However, if your hair, thyroid, and uterus are weak, hair loss will sustain, therefore, careful management after childbirth is necessary.
1. Short Hair, Less Hair Fall
Hair loss after childbirth is a hormonal phenomenon that cannot be resolved unless the hormone is changed. Recognize that it's natural to lose your hair, and getting the least stress helps preventing hair loss in the long run. One of the most effective ways is to cut your long hairstyles into shorter length. Short hair cuts don't fall out less as long hair, the amount of hair falling would look reduced and this can reduce your psychological pressure. Stress can lead to postpartum depression and hair loss, so change your hairstyle before giving birth.
Also, when you are caring for a child, you probably would tie your hair, so AVOID this habit. Squeezing the scalp tightly puts physical pressure on the hair and pores, causing the scalp pores to loosen. Repeated tightening habits make the hair thinner and lead to more hair lose
2. Get enough nutrition
Another cause of postpartum hair loss is a nutritional imbalance. If you do not take care of your meals, or if you are dieting through a rapid diet after giving birth, you will not be able to properly feed your scalp and this will have a big impact on hair growth.
In addition, the period of 180 days after childbirth is the time required for sufficient nutrition in addition to the mother's breastfeeding period. At this time, the body's recovery can be accelerated, you will still need to maintain necessary nutrition.
Avoid irritating foods that are harmful to hair loss and avoid hair loss. Try vegetables containing protein, iodine-rich seaweed-based meals or supplementary nutrition. You can do it even if you're having a hard time keeping track of your diet, get nutrients from simple soy milk, bananas, and dried anchovies.
3. Relieve Your Stress
Many women feel back pain after giving birth. During pregnancy, hormones called relaxin are secreted, making it difficult to feel pain. After the delivery, the hormones decrease, and the pressure applied to the lower back causes pain in the lower back and knees.
A useful exercise at this time is swimming. Swimming is also helpful and popular during pregnancy. It helps loosen the hardened joints and is the best exercise to regain strength. Besides, it also helps relieve postpartum depression and stress, which also helps prevent postpartum stress hair loss.
4. Using Hypoallergenic Shampoo
Harmful substances absorbed through the skin are called transdermal poisons. Pregnant women, who are very sensitive, should be more careful about the dangers of percutaneous poisoning.
Because shampoo is also absorbed from the scalp and skin. The use of natural shampoo with minimal harmful ingredients during pregnancy and breastfeeding is good. To relieve hair loss after giving birth, use hypoallergenic hair loss shampoo to make the scalp and body less irritating.
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